Scylla Legion on FRONTIERS
266 STL files, with which you can assemble many unique miniatures just like the ones from the picture above!

Core set (battle brothers squad build-kit):
8 heads
15 shoulder pads
5 bodies
5 legs
6 backpacks
1 cloak
4 types of hands (9 pose total)
4 types of hands with spear
6 types of melee weapons (with and without hands)
3 Unlocks:
Assault Brothers squad build-kit
Destroyers squad build-kit
Lord-Master Brother “Agemon”
3 types of Heavy Rifles (with different variations of the hands)
4 types of sniper rifles (with different variations of the hands)
Fusion rifle with different variations of the hands
Plasma rifle with different variations of the hands
Heavy and plasma pistols
11 free hands bits
3 shoulder guards
32mm bases
2 Addons:
Engineer Brother “Sethlans the Blacksmith”
Archivist Brother “Nethuns the Tidal Wave”
Battle Brothers squad build-kit

Assault Brothers squad build-kit
Destroyers squad build-kit

Lord-Master Brother “Agemon”

Engineer Brother “Sethlans the Blacksmith”

Archivist Brother “Nethuns the Tidal Wave”


Assault Brothers squad build-kit

Destroyers squad build-kit

Scylla Legion Beast Hunter

Assault Brothers squad build-kit